Ministry in Every Job

Feb 23, 2023

So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life–your sleeping, eating, going-to-work and walking around life–and place it before God as an offering. (Romans 12:1 – The Message)

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A common misunderstanding extracts a heavy toll on us. Many believe that life fits into one of two compartments. Either what I am doing is spiritual or my work is normal, common, everyday and thus spiritually unimportant. This is a lie. It may even be rooted in some of our early church experiences, but nonetheless it is a lie, and it is destructive.

We tend to believe that the spiritual aspect of life only involves activities like church (when we actually attend), prayer (when we are in a tight jam), and possibly reading our Bible (if we are really serious). Other spiritual activities, like serving the homeless or short-term missions, may also qualify. Thinking that these types of activities are most important or, worse yet, the only stuff that really matters to God is inconsistent with Biblical truth.

God’s Purpose in Every Job

Without much thought, many of us label what we perceive to be the unspiritual segments of life as “secular.” Did you know that the word secular means “without God”? Here’s the problem with that. There is no place on this planet where God does not function. We are not designed to just do missions, like a mission trip; we are designed to be on mission everyday, no matter what our particular job might be. In short, real biblical ministry is done by God’s people, wherever he has put them or wherever they find themselves.

Written by Doug Spada, founder and CEO of WorkLife, Inc. Excerpted from The Switch, published by WorkLife Press.  Photo by Christina_wocintechchat on Unsplash.  Used by permission. Content distributed by > Used for non-profit teaching purposes only.