
Spiritual Awakening in the Workplace
Welcome! It is our hope that you are finding fresh vision and resources that will help you and those in your circle of influence. Many are asking “Where’s the God who was with me on Sunday?” Each Monday it’s a whole new world—hustling off to work and putting out fires. Or maybe dreading work and what might be another boring day. We believe it is time for an awakening — a switch to God’s way of working. Thriving on Mondays at work – not just surviving. Stewarding your Time, Talent, and Treasure for 100X results!
“This has radically changed how I experience work…”

Join us as we recapture Mondays and work for the Kingdom of God. For over a decade we have built practical tools and strategies for your church, business, or organization. Check out our latest project: The Monday Challenge.


For 15 years we have been researching and listening to what people’s greatest needs are at work, along with their struggles. We then plan, design, build and deliver amazing vision and tools to serve working Christians everywhere. God has blessed us with the unique ability, Biblical principles, and history to help churches serve their entire congregation in this area. Additionally, we help businesses increase productivity by addressing the problematic drain that comes with Mondays and work. The end goal is all focused on that one worker, that one person like you, to be able Switch God ON and experience the amazing joy and purpose that God intended through work. That is WorkLife!

“…this has caused me to change from the inside out”


Our WorkLife Values:
(what we believe about work)

• Every follower of Christ is in “full-time” ministry. Every believer is a minister.

• Our individual “calling” is principal to everything we do. We are first called to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, then a fruitful ministry that flows from this relationship. Our work is one major focus of this calling and thus is ordained by God for His purposes.

• The separation and division of a “sacred” calling from a “secular” calling is counterproductive and a non scriptural view of a person’s role in the Church body.

Click Here to Read More about our Values and Faith Beliefs


We are grateful for the committed and talented staff, as well as the extended staff and WorkLife board/advisors. God has assembled his team in order to fulfill His purpose in this area of faith and work. Click here to see the Work Life Staff + Board

doug spada


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