
Kingdom Business

Many employees are disengaged from their jobs, directly impacting productivity and profitability of business. Employees are also stressed and frequently discouraged which affects both them and their families. In a recent Gallup State of the Global Workplace Report, research showed 70% of Americans either hate their jobs or are completely disengaged at work. And 20% hate their jobs so much that they actively work to undermine the companies they work for. Let’s lead employees that are not just “doing time”. It’s time for a switch to God’s way of working!


Millions of us Christians look great on Sunday but switch God OFF by Monday morning – a distinct switch to an accidental form of practical atheism. Monday work attitudes are shocking and a major culture and business problem. In fact, further research reveals some shocking facts about Mondays. 50% of workers show up late to work on Mondays. Productivity of the average worker is less than 30% on Mondays. And most don’t even smile until 11:16 a.m. on Mondays! Worse yet, more heart attacks and suicides happen on Monday than any other work day. It is time for a Monday Switch! Helping employees manage Mondays and work can have dramatic effects on your company – practically and spiritually.

Fighting for Healthier – Christ Centered Companies
Thankfully, God can change worker attitudes and behaviors. In the book, The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, author Malcolm Gladwell states that “ideas and products and messages and behaviors spread like viruses do”. We have all witnessed the positive change in a team, a family or a company that just one or two people can make. This is God’s desire in your company. There are kingdom and economic benefits to making Mondays better for every employee in your business. Here are just a few for your employees.
  • Greater job satisfaction
  • More purpose and joy
  • Better attitudes on Monday
  • Increased sense of accomplishment
  • Reduced stress and depression
  • Experiencing more LIFE in work
  • More family stability
A Simple Business Solution

Using a creative employee-focused solution, you can change this pervasive problem in only 6 Mondays. A fun, video driven, interactive, and biblically based kit called The Monday Switch Kit (six step series + DVD) will have workers saying “Thank God it’s Monday!” in short order. You can simply communicate, sponsor or facilitate the Monday Switch in your company or department. Let’s grow God’s kingdom one employee at a time. Get Started Right Now –Click Here

87% of workers are "not engaged"

…or “actively disengaged” and are emotionally disconnected from their workplaces and less likely to be productive.
Gallup, State of the Global Workforce

Better profitability

Higher employee productivity

More positive team building

Increased employee health

Less employee turnover

More Kingdom Influence

New Gallup Research –
The Effects of Mondays on Workers