
Why is Your Life at Work so Important?

If you’re like most people, work is where you spend the majority of your waking hours. How your work influences every other aspect of your life, including family. Yet for many of us, work can just suck the life out of us. But there is good news. It is possible to thrive at work in a way that transcends the pain and stressors of your day to day work. God cares about your work and even sees your work as a form of worship as we serve Him in our varied occupations and careers. He wants us to have more purpose and peace in spite of the circumstances we often deal with concerning work.

What Kinds of Situations Come Up at Work?

Challenging work issues disrupt and distract us from our walk with God. These issues can be gut wrenching, including struggling with work & family balance, sexual temptation at work, dealing with compensation frustration, wondering how to walk in truth under pressure to do otherwise, or being unsure if God even values our work….to name just a few. It is easy to feel vulnerable and alone. Take the FREE WorkLife Switch Quiz Here and find solutions now.

Most of us Are Switching God OFF at Work… and it Shows

Really thriving at work is evasive for several reasons. Keeping God in the forefront of your work can be tricky. Certain obstacles block you from experiencing work the way God meant you to. Many times you spiritually stagnate instead of growing at work. You are spending so much time at work and it is affecting every other aspect of your life.

You also likely have most of your relationships at work and everyone including you and your family are at risk. In fact, did you know that more heart attacks happen on Monday morning than any other day of the week? What are you to do?

Switching God ON at work is an Answer

There is an answer. It shows up in research, life stories, and in the Bible. And you can find these answers in an innovative book called Monday Morning Atheist. You will find three wrong assumptions that are constantly undermining your life, peace and effectiveness at work. A Monday Morning Atheist is someone who believes in God but who works like He does not exist. We all do it from time to time if not all too regularly.


Compiled from surveys of over 6000 workers just like you.
1. I am unable to manage my time without being distracted by unfocused impulses or becoming a slave to my schedule.

2. I do not manage stress and discouragement by practicing the principle of rest and recreation.

3. I am not narrowing my focus each day by setting clear limits and boundaries on my ambitions, so that work doesn’t take over my life.

4. I am not prepared to present the gospel message in language that is clear, succinct, and jargon-free, yet faithful to the Scriptures.

5. I am not managing all my resources (i.e., time, energy, talent, money) in a way that reflects God’s perspective.

6. I do not connect eternal significance to my actual work.

7. I am not sure if my God-given talents, passions and temperament are aligned to my present job.
8. I do not see my work calling as really serving society and God.

9. I am not seeking and hearing God when making work decisions.

10. I am incapable of resolving conflict involving office politics, gossip, slander, favoritism, and unfounded criticism.


“I can’t tell you what a difference this is making in my personal relationship with Christ. My faith is becoming real to me 24/7.”
– Helen

“I am experiencing so much more joy and more peace since using WorkLife. Before this kind of help, my faith was lacking and I could not sense God’s presence and help at work, or really anywhere else. I am so much more aware of Him working in all of my life.”
– Rachel

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New Gallup Research –
The Effects of Mondays on Workers

Helps You Find Life in your work!
Can reduce the level of stress and discouragement
Helps You Keep God Switched On at Work
More Peace and Balance
Helps You Determine Your Most Critical On-The-Job Issues
Helps You to Be an Effective Witness for Christ Where You Work
Helps You Avoid Work Related Temptations
Nurtures a Sense of Purpose
Helps the Restless, Dissatisfied and Out of Work
Helps You Manage Time and Money for Eternity