
Don’t Let Your Workplace Divert You from God’s Plan

Don’t Let Your Workplace Divert You from God’s Plan

Too many people never reach their goal which they set for themselves in their workplace. They entered their workplace with a clear sense of mission and a high determination "to make a difference." Along the way there is a trembling, or a sorrow, or even a sense of failure that the highest and best of ideals are not and may not be reached. Get Your Free e-Book HereWant to learn more on what the...

Don’t Let Your Workplace Divert You from God’s Plan

Too many people never reach their goal which they set for themselves in their workplace. They entered their workplace with a clear sense of mission and a high determination "to make a difference." Along the way there is a trembling, or a sorrow, or even a sense of failure that the highest and best of ideals are not and may not be reached. Get Your Free e-Book HereWant to learn more on what the...

Freedom from the Curse of Work

Freedom from the Curse of Work

Did you know that your work and your workplace are under a curse?Have you ever thought about our attitude toward work and why most people think of work as a drudgery? Don't most of us see our work as a necessary duty, toilsome and difficult at times, often unpleasant, frequently boring, but nonetheless essential? So, typically on Monday mornings, as we face a new work week, most people are...

God Brings Prayer Focus to the Office

God Brings Prayer Focus to the Office

“Therefore I tell you, all that you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive it and it shall be yours.” - Mark 11:24. A few years back, my wife, Katy, and I went to a conference in Atlanta called Marketplace Leaders Summit. It was there that I first heard the term “intercessor.” I wasn’t quite sure what to make of it, but it was an exciting concept. I thought about how lacking we were in...

May I Help You?

May I Help You?

Don't you find it appalling when people who make a living in service-oriented jobs act as if you are presuming upon them by expecting to receive the services they were hired to render? You walk up to a clerk at a fast food restaurant and she looks at you with that “Come-on-buddy-you're-keeping-me-waiting-here” look. Get Your Free e-Book HereWant to learn more on what the Bible says about work?...

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Giving Criticism

Plan to criticize anyone today? We’re looking at how to give and receive criticism—by biblical guidelines..... Timing is all-important when it comes to giving a constructive criticism.And just as important as timing is your choice of words. We are to speak...

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