
Meeting Jesus at Work
Read John 21:1-12 What is My Workplace Like? A long night on the water. Acrid smoke fills the air from torches lit to draw fish to the light and nets, burning eyes that have been awake all night, straining to see through the dark. Waves slap against the boat. Hour after hour nets go out and are pulled back empty. The men on the boat say nothing. Working together in silence, each is...
Meeting Jesus at Work
Read John 21:1-12 What is My Workplace Like? A long night on the water. Acrid smoke fills the air from torches lit to draw fish to the light and nets, burning eyes that have been awake all night, straining to see through the dark. Waves slap against the boat. Hour after hour nets go out and are pulled back empty. The men on the boat say nothing. Working together in silence, each is...
Being Unashamed
Many believers mistakenly believe that their primary obligation in the workplace is to preach. For some this might be true, but for most it is not. Many misconstrue the Great Commission of Matt 28 and Mark 16 as their mandate. But this mandate was directed at the apostles and the church at large; furthermore, in Mark 16, the mandate was not to be with words alone, but with the power of God. Most...
You Remain in Church While You’re at Work?!
Ruts pose two hazards for a bike rider. One, they're hard to get out of. Two, they take control of the steering. The words "go to church" create similar risks for Christ-followers. First, you can't escape the words. Everyone uses them. They've become part of our language—like "go for a walk." Second, the phrase "steers" our thinking about church. Saying "go to" makes us think of church as an...
The Spirit of God in the Workplace
Do you think of God's Holy Spirit as present or even concerned about your workplace? Is God interested in your Monday through Friday responsibilities? Do you view your job skills as gifts from God? Would God's Spirit empower carpenters, stone masons and weavers? Doesn't the Holy Spirit just specialize in working with pastors and missionaries on their religious activities? To our surprise and...
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What is Workplace Faith?
Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.—Colossians 3:23-24 Three myths continue to persist among...
Why Otis Stayed Unsaved
My landlord, Otis, didn't have much use for the church. He saw it as a waste of time. Otis thought Christians were phonies. Worst of the lot, in his view, was the local church pastor who also ran a small business on the side. Otis had dealt with him once and...
Doing Justice to Employers
Work – Most employers would agree that good employees are difficult to find. They typically are referring to employees who work hard and effectively. Working hard, or the work ethic, has its genesis in the biblical ethic our forefathers brought to this country....
Your Work Matters: Working with God
Get Your Free e-Book HereMillions of Christians look great on Sunday but switch God OFF by Monday morning. Sign up below for a free e-Book on growing your WorkLife! First Name * Last Name * Email * Get Your Free Book Father, we thank you for this food which you...
Working for Recognition
Do you feel that you receive adequate recognition for the work you do? I can tell you that all of us need recognition and appreciation. As I travel across the country, the people I talk with who are happy in their jobs are usually the ones who tell me that their...