Work as Ministry
I like the word "laity." Not many people use this word today; in fact, most young people are completely unfamiliar with the term. "Laity" is derived from the Greek word laos, and is used in the Bible to refer to "the people of God." It is an inclusive word, a word that encompasses everyone from prestigious leaders to the most powerless. Get Your Free e-Book HereWant to learn more on what the...
Work as Ministry
I like the word "laity." Not many people use this word today; in fact, most young people are completely unfamiliar with the term. "Laity" is derived from the Greek word laos, and is used in the Bible to refer to "the people of God." It is an inclusive word, a word that encompasses everyone from prestigious leaders to the most powerless. Get Your Free e-Book HereWant to learn more on what the...
How to Leave a Job
Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go up this mountain in the Abarim range and see the land I have given the Israelites. After you have seen it, you too will be gathered to your people, as your brother Aaron was, for when the community rebelled at the waters in the Desert of Zin, both of you disobeyed my command to honor me as holy before their eyes."...Moses said to the Lord, “May...
Partiality – A Work Temptation
"My brothers, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, do not show favoritism. Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in shabby clothes also comes in; if you show favor to the man wearing fine clothes and say ‘Here’s a good seat for you’, but say to the poor man, 'You stand there' or 'Sit on the floor...
Prayer in the Workplace
Of the 132 instances recorded in the Gospels, 122 of Jesus' interactions with people took place in homes or places of business, not in places of worship. He prayed and healed and ministered in the midst of daily life – in the streets of the marketplaces and in the family kitchens. He may have said, “Come to Me,” but in truth, He went to people and touched them where they lived and worked. Get...
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Our Work and Our Calling
When we were children, how many times did interested (or nosey!) relatives or acquaintances ask us: "What are you going to be when you grow up?" The same question pursued us through junior high school and high school; in college, the question persisted, except then we...
A Community Transformed
Fresh out of college, Kevin began working for an international industrial conglomerate that designs and manufactures aerospace parts. After a number of years and positions of greater responsibility, he was given the opportunity to become General Manager of a plant...
At Work…On Two Jobs!
COMPARTMENTALIZING OUR CHRISTIANITY Why is it so difficult to reconcile these two worlds – our spiritual life and our work life? Why is it our instinct to run or to hide? In essence, it's because we live our lives in compartments. Like sections of the...
On Holy Ground!
"Show me Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths." (Psalm 25:4) The deepest activity of God all the way through the Bible is in the marketplace. God takes up residence in His people, and then functions through His people in the world. The difficulty is that...
Workplace Witnessing Tips
How To Effectively Witness at Work DO work with skill and excellence. Our faith should lead us to strive to excel on the job. As the Apostle Paul reminded us, we are to work as unto the Lord. Are we giving our employer value for what we are paid? A failure in this...