Don’t Let Your Workplace Divert You from God’s Plan
Too many people never reach their goal which they set for themselves in their workplace. They entered their workplace with a clear sense of mission and a high determination "to make a difference." Along the way there is a trembling, or a sorrow, or even a sense of failure that the highest and best of ideals are not and may not be reached. Get Your Free e-Book HereWant to learn more on what the...
Don’t Let Your Workplace Divert You from God’s Plan
Too many people never reach their goal which they set for themselves in their workplace. They entered their workplace with a clear sense of mission and a high determination "to make a difference." Along the way there is a trembling, or a sorrow, or even a sense of failure that the highest and best of ideals are not and may not be reached. Get Your Free e-Book HereWant to learn more on what the...
Affecting Your Office Atmosphere
A boisterous personality and infectious laugh. His presence itself was big and his booming voice even bigger. This was a man that captured your attention, and once you studied him for a moment, you were completely captivated. He engaged all in his path in lively banter. He winked and joked with the office staff until they were jolted out of their administrative doldrums by his charm and wit. He...
The Monday to Friday Holy Land
I was at a meeting recently for a church group that was planning a conference.The planners got very excited when they started discussing the side excursions they could offer the participants. "We can go to visit the holy places around Santa Fe," they said. "There's the Native American burial grounds, the old Spanish mission, the cathedral, the holy mountains and...." Get Your Free e-Book...
Freedom from the Curse of Work
Did you know that your work and your workplace are under a curse?Have you ever thought about our attitude toward work and why most people think of work as a drudgery? Don't most of us see our work as a necessary duty, toilsome and difficult at times, often unpleasant, frequently boring, but nonetheless essential? So, typically on Monday mornings, as we face a new work week, most people are...
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A Tragically Missed Opportunity – A True Story
When the Lord took hold of Charles Jemison, He tamed a tiger. Jemison is a supervisor for a manufacturing firm. He had accepted Christ at an early age. The demanding work schedule of the aggressive Jemison preempted church attendance. As he progressed in his position,...
Going Public
Get Your Free e-Book HereMillions of Christians look great on Sunday but switch God OFF by Monday morning. Sign up below for a free e-Book on growing your WorkLife! First Name * Last Name * Email * Get Your Free Book As followers of Christ in today's marketplace,...
The Glory of the Ordinary
The fact that Jesus worked as a carpenter serves as a reminder to us that Jesus came into this world in ordinary fashion, aside from the fact of the virgin birth. He was born to two poor parents. When He was a baby, He did all the things that normal babies do -- He...
Living and Leaving the American Dream
Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night.... Then you will be prosperous and successful. - Joshua 1:8I was a black man living the American dream, advancing quickly up the executive ladder with General Motors (GM) in...
Excellence: Building Credibility for Christ
How does the McDonald's Corporation spell profit? N.I.X. When a family of five like mine hits the road on vacation you can be certain the drive-throughs at McDonald's and other fast food venues get business. One year we motored to the mountains of North...