
On Holy Ground!

On Holy Ground!

"Show me Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths." (Psalm 25:4) The deepest activity of God all the way through the Bible is in the marketplace. God takes up residence in His people, and then functions through His people in the world. The difficulty is that the marketplace is not encountering God in the lives of His people as it ought to. We should notice a qualified difference when we...

On Holy Ground!

"Show me Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths." (Psalm 25:4) The deepest activity of God all the way through the Bible is in the marketplace. God takes up residence in His people, and then functions through His people in the world. The difficulty is that the marketplace is not encountering God in the lives of His people as it ought to. We should notice a qualified difference when we...

Workplace Enemies

Workplace Enemies

Parker Palmer was right when he defined community as “that place where the person you least like is.” What is true for communities in general seems especially true in the workplace.Just about everyone has someone they work with who drives them nuts. Maybe it is a coworker in a similar position. Harder still when the crazy-making person is a boss or someone “higher up”....

Appointed for Work

Appointed for Work

Keeping His presence your priority at work is essential. FACT: you can do nothing of significance without Him. Listen to Jesus: "I am the vine, and you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without me." John 15:5 (GNT) Get Your Free e-Book HereWant to learn more on what the Bible says about work? Sign up below for a free...

Don’t Let Your Workplace Divert You from God’s Plan

Don’t Let Your Workplace Divert You from God’s Plan

Too many people never reach their goal which they set for themselves in their workplace. They entered their workplace with a clear sense of mission and a high determination "to make a difference." Along the way there is a trembling, or a sorrow, or even a sense of failure that the highest and best of ideals are not and may not be reached. Get Your Free e-Book HereWant to learn more on what the...

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Get Your Free e-Book HereWant to learn more on what the Bible says about work? Sign up below for a free e-Book on the subject! First Name * Last Name * Email * “Construction is like eating dirt all day long,” Larry, a building contractor, said. “It can be a very...

Riding the Waves at Work

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. - Colossians 3:23 Get Your Free e-Book HereWant to learn more on what the Bible says about work? Sign up below for a free e-Book on the subject! First Name * Last Name * Email *...

Work is Good

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Labor of Love

Get Your Free e-Book HereWant to learn more on what the Bible says about work? Sign up below for a free e-Book on the subject! First Name * Last Name * Email * MONDAY MORNING, rush hour, road construction. Six words that bring despair to the heart of the commuter. Six...

Set Apart at Work

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart... (Jeremiah 1:5 - NIV) Get Your Free e-Book HereWant to learn more on what the Bible says about work? Sign up below for a free e-Book on the subject! First Name * Last Name * Email *...

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