At Work…On Two Jobs!

At Work…On Two Jobs!

COMPARTMENTALIZING OUR CHRISTIANITY Why is it so difficult to reconcile these two worlds – our spiritual life and our work life? Why is it our instinct to run or to hide? In essence, it's because we live our lives in compartments. Like sections of the...
On Holy Ground!

On Holy Ground!

"Show me Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths." (Psalm 25:4) The deepest activity of God all the way through the Bible is in the marketplace. God takes up residence in His people, and then functions through His people in the world. The difficulty is that...
Workplace Witnessing Tips

Workplace Witnessing Tips

How To Effectively Witness at Work DO work with skill and excellence. Our faith should lead us to strive to excel on the job. As the Apostle Paul reminded us, we are to work as unto the Lord. Are we giving our employer value for what we are paid? A failure in this...
Short Circuit

Short Circuit

May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us–yes, establish the work of our hands. (Psalm 90:17) Get Your Free e-Book HereWant to learn more on what the Bible says about work? Sign up below for a free e-Book on the...
Workplace Enemies

Workplace Enemies

Parker Palmer was right when he defined community as “that place where the person you least like is.” What is true for communities in general seems especially true in the workplace.Just about everyone has someone they work with who drives them nuts. Maybe...
Appointed for Work

Appointed for Work

Keeping His presence your priority at work is essential. FACT: you can do nothing of significance without Him. Listen to Jesus: "I am the vine, and you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without...