by ednera | Dec 22, 2022 | blog template funnel 03 underneath
I cuddled my five-month-old firstborn, wishing she were awake, wishing the evening were longer. She slept as only a baby can, her soft breath caressing my neck. I wished I could coo to her, watch her smile, laugh, drool — anything. It was 7 p.m. She had done...
by ednera | Nov 29, 2022 | blog template funnel 03 underneath
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. (Genesis 2:15) Let’s clear up a common misunderstanding and hopefully change some thinking. Have you ever heard of work being referred to as “cursed”? Have...
by ednera | Oct 28, 2022 | blog template funnel 03 underneath
As a young executive, I remember my dad telling me: “I don’t trust anyone who has a bible on their desk at the office.” I was immediately ready for an argument. How could he be so cynical? Weren’t these people being a “good...
by ednera | Sep 29, 2022 | blog template funnel 03 underneath
As I look across the landscape of believers today, I see a lot of Christians wrestling with what a true disciple of Christ should look like in the workplace. Somewhere along the way, we’ve lost our vision for how Christ would conduct ministry at work. Over the...
by ednera | Aug 29, 2022 | blog template funnel 03 underneath
Modern life militates against prayer as preparation for our daily work. Now that our household is an empty nest, I find time for solitude and spiritual reflection in the morning. When our four children were home, however, my morning model for the children was...
by geoffwebster | Jul 28, 2022 | blog template funnel 03 underneath
Feeling overwhelmed at work can be caused by a wide range of both external and internal factors. Sometimes there’s an easily identifiable reason you’re overwhelmed, but often there are several culprits working together to make you feel like you can barely cope. Let’s...
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