by ednera | Sep 17, 2020 | blog template funnel 03 underneath
Get Your Free e-Book HereWant to learn more on what the Bible says about work? Sign up below for a free e-Book on the subject! First Name * Last Name * Email * Nursing is my profession, my daily work. But it is also an important way I worship God. For me, work and...
by ednera | Aug 6, 2020 | blog template funnel 03 underneath
Sometimes I feel like somebody stole my Bible and slipped me a poor substitute. After all, the characters in it seem like strangers. From pulpit after pulpit, they’re portrayed as full-time prophets, priests and ministers—the kind of people who go to seminary and get...
by geoffwebster | Jul 14, 2020 | blog template funnel 03 underneath
This article deals with the unique problems experienced by Christians when they supervise others or are employees. In the focus group discussion that formed the basis for part of this chapter, much of our conversation dealt with the supervisor’s perspective. The...
by ednera | Apr 16, 2020 | blog template funnel 03 underneath
Get Your Free e-Book HereWant to learn more on what the Bible says about work? Sign up below for a free e-Book on the subject! First Name * Last Name * Email * Jesus never envisioned His Church to be run by a religious elite. On the contrary, His design was...
by ednera | Mar 12, 2020 | blog template funnel 03 underneath
Get Your Free e-Book HereWant to learn more on what the Bible says about work? Sign up below for a free e-Book on the subject! First Name * Last Name * Email * VITAL S.: William Payne Stewart was a professional golfer until his death Oct. 25, 1999, at age 42....
by ednera | Dec 30, 2019 | blog template funnel 03 underneath
Get Your Free e-Book HereWant to learn more on what the Bible says about work? Sign up below for a free e-Book on the subject! First Name * Last Name * Email * I wonder if you’ve noticed that in the last couple of years, integrity in the workplace has become a...
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